PREPARATION  is a subject of some debate, and it needs to be pointed out from the beginning, that
PREPARATION  is as varied as the individual HEALER.

In the professional context, I have had treatments by Reiki Masters who only do healings on certain days, by appointment, and have a morning of meditation and focusing of intent for that day of Healing.   In addition the same people have complex rituals of fasting and meditation,  practicing Hui Yin Kundalini Energy exercises when they pass attunements at their school.  They limit the number of students they will take in a given period.  They follow a strict teaching method, giving homework for the two-day third degree attunement.  The atmosphere is quite serious.  Printed manuals are provided,  and then a test is given before the certification. They prescribe a long waiting period between attunements. Their certified  students are very knowledgable in Reiki history and energy theory  when they have been attuned.  It is expected that their students will continue this "professional" approach.

Conversely, one of my favorite Reiki Master/Teacher and friends, passes attunements in a relaxed, informal environment with much chatting, to as many or as few people who have signed up in a four hour class.  She gives treatments on the spur of the moment, in a variety of casual social situations, de-mystifying the procedure for everyone, making friends and educating everyone in her path.  She gives healing all day, every day to everyONE and everyTHING around her, and has a fiercely dedicated following of students.

Is one way more effective than another?  Certainly not.  HEALING ENERGY is available to all of us, at all times.  Intent is key when it comes to sharing Healing.  If you jump out of bed ready to heal in the morning, then that is  perfect  for you.  If, on the other hand, you need more preparation time to focus your intent, to dedicate yourself to this beautiful work, then join the thousands who feel that re-consecrating their thoughts and actions each time helps them to connect  to the  God Energies that they need to be good healers.

Powerful energies are available to us everywhere we turn:
The EARTH is a grid of energy and magnetism.
There is energy in SOUND.  In COLOR.  CRYSTALS and MINERALS
literally  vibrate with subtle energies and magnetics.
We walk around with a minimum of THREE WATTS of energy IN OUR OWN BODIES even when we are doing absolutely nothing!
REIKI gives us the means to AMPLIFY and DIRECT these energies and magnetics for the HEALING of body, mind and spirit.