Perhaps because I have worked so long rescuing animals, holding a living creature in my hands begins the first phase of healing.    Even before the exam, before the life-saving medical procedures, I am sending healing energy to the creature.  I taught my trainee rehabilitators  to take a creature, cover it and hold it to their heart until they could feel the animal's heart synchronize with their own.  Only then were they to begin the examination to discover the injuries and prioritize treatment.  If the animal became stressed, the "heart to heart" procedure would be repeated, the exam or reatment continuing  after the creature and healer were in tune again.

When learning about sending
remote Reiki Energy, my teachers, like many others, had me focus on something tangible, like a pillow, teddy bear, or even my own leg.  I initially found myself beginning with my eyes closed and my hands apart, imagining the energy as warm light between my palms.  Gradually, I stopped putting my hands on anything, but focusing on the light and warmth in that space between my hands.  I would have my eyes closed, and at some point I began to feel a "tingling-like fluttering" there.  I would open my eyes, and nothing would be there, of course! but when I would become deeply focused, again I would feel the slight fluttering, as if  a small bird was suspended between my palms.

I became comfortable with this, and began to detect discernable nuances in the fluttering:  sometimes very fast, sometimes slowing down.  Eventually, there would be a complete cessation of motion whereupon the Reiki energy also stopped flowing.  I began to
imagine that there actually was a tiny dove between my palms.

This became the prefered method for me.  I haven't worked much with people on a personal basis yet, but when someone asks me to pray for someone else or "SEND" my "ENERGY" to them for healing, I frequently do not know the person who is to receive it.  It seems as if the little dove knows how much and even when there has been enough energy sent.  I am not sure whether my imaginary  bird takes the energy to them, or whether it is there just so I will know when and how long to proceed, but I stopped questioning
why a long time ago.  It is usual for me now to begin my Distance Reiki sessions by visualizing  my little dove friend surrounded by glowing white light right between my hands.  Sometimes, but not always, I imagine that Ican feel the light touch of his wings as he flutters against my palms.